Mrs. Pfahnl’s Bio A Lab DNA Extraction
Purpose: Extract DNA from fruits at home.
作者雷春 “ 交流与厌学: @雷春 孩子不愿意和父母交流,有些什么切实可行的办法改善情况? @Ja…
教育 – 家庭 – 心理 – 健康
作者雷春 “ 交流与厌学: @雷春 孩子不愿意和父母交流,有些什么切实可行的办法改善情况? @Ja…
Mrs. Pfahnl’s Bio A Lab DNA Extraction
Purpose: Extract DNA from fruits at home.
Yeast is an eukaryote. It is a single cell fungi. Bacteria is a prokaryote.
The products from yeast fermentation are carbon dioxide and ethanol. This is why using store bought yeast you can make bread without sour taste. The carbon dioxide in the dough causes the volume to rise.
Sourdough is fermented by a mixture of bacteria and acid tolerable yeast. Similar to bacteria making yogurt, lactatic acid is one of the byproducts. That is why it tastes sour. It takes longer time for yeast in sourdough to produce carbon dioxide and ethanol.
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Mrs. Pfahnl’s Bio A Lab: Fermentation 1 Yogurt
Fermentation does not require Oxygen. There are two types of fermentation: Lactic acid and alcohol. Yogurt making is similar to our muscle during excise which produces lactic acid.
Purpose: Observe changes during milk fermentation process.
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Mrs. Pfahnl’s Bio A Lab: Osmosis
Osmosis is a passive transportation of water molecules through semipermeable cell membrane.
The purpose of the experiment is to investigate the different salt levels affects the intake or output of the water molecules of plant cells.
Mrs. Pfahnl’s Bio A Lab: Catalase
September 29, 2020 Purpose: Investigate catalase activities in different fruits or vegetables.
写于2020年8月28日 星期五
第一周 预备教学、一片混沌