来自加州州立大学在圣荷西的戚效营教授,邀请华裔家长参加一个调研。这个调研是关于“微信家长群”、“微博blog”、“文学城”等网络社区如何支持有孤独症、多动症、抽动症、选择性缄默症等特殊教育孩子的家长。基于调研的结果分析, 她将向相关的特殊教育服务部门及研究部门提出一些建设性的建议, 以促进专业人员更加地理解华裔家长, 更多地鼓励他们,更好地与他们配合, 而进一步提高对华裔特殊儿童的服务质量。参加调研是自愿和匿名的。信息是保密的。
Dr. Sharon Qi, a California State University faculty invites you to take this survey on the effects of stress relief from virtual communities such as WeChat parent groups, and how it can enhance special education services through considering parents’ stress management and their support to service implementation at home environment. Participation is voluntary and your information will be kept confidential. Dr. Qi, in addition to having a Ph.D. in special education after years of hands-on special education teaching experiences at classroom settings, plus her role as an early special education program acting director, and educational researcher at Stanford Research Institution, as well as her management services in
industry at Silicon Valley, she feels a personal connection to the survey topic. She has raised a son on the autism spectrum who is currently thriving at UC Santa Cruz.
To participate in her survey, go to this Link.